How Bliss Attacks Show You What Wealthy Really Is

Half way across Tofo Bay in Mozambique, the crystal clear ocean sprays its saltiness over us as we skim across the surface of the Indian Ocean on our way to Manta Reef.  

The sight of the Indian Ocean stretching out ahead of us, the rush from the wind and the speed of the RIB, the sun turning the spray into little salt flakes on our skin, and the excitement of the upcoming dive took me instantly to one of those “Bliss Attack” moments. 

You know those times when every part of you is saturated with bliss, gratitude and wonder.  

A “bliss attack” is a powerful full body “YES” message we must listen to. There are the markers that we are on our own unique enough path - the place where our true wealth lies.

These moments and experiences are the things that fill our tanks and make our lives vital and worthwhile.

Map your “Bliss Attack” moments. 

Pay attention, take notes, create more of these because this is what wealth is for you.

After a few more bumps and waves we were at our spot – floating above one of the most famous manta cleaning stations in the world.

Manta reef attracts huge manta rays of up to 7m in wing-span who circle and hover above the reef wall to allow small fish, like Goldies, Cleaner Wrasse and Butterfly fish, to remove parasites from their body.

The top of the reef is quite flat with beautiful soft corals. The walls provide shelter for large schools of yellow snapper, barracuda, bigeyes, fusiliers, hundreds of bright blue, red-tooth triggerfish, tiny goldies, fairy basslets and so on. Large potato and other groupers inhabit overhangs and small caverns, along with large trumpet fish, green turtles, sweetlips and so on. The list of marine life is endless.

The cracks and crevices are home to scorpion fish, morays (giant, honeycomb, geometric, yellow-edge and white mouth…), crocodile fish, Spanish dancers and a whole array of nudibranches and cowries. 

Finishing the dive, we clambered (very inelegantly and rather fat seal like) back onto the boat and bobbed about on our surface interval waiting to be ready for our next dive.

“Dolphin” one of the peeps shouted… except it wasn’t a dolphin. 

We were being visited by a dwarf minke whale. An incredibly rare visitor to these waters and a sighting our dive instructor had never had in over 15 years of diving in these waters.

Grabbing fins we leapt in the water and proceeded to have an incredibly magical experience with this beautiful creature that clearly wanted to hang out and play. She/he followed us to our second dive site and continued to swim with us for over 2 hours. 

 An incredible once in a lifetime gift. 

A gift we had to leap into and experience NOW. 

I had already been deep in bliss and gratitude and life gave me even more. 

Gratitude and resting deeply in the enoughness of what we already have does not mean shutting the door on receiving even more. It often opens the doors even wider.

No Sho’t Left

At this point in The Wealth Chef blog, I’d normally take a sho’t left ** onto Investing Boulevard and or getting out of debt, or sustainable wealth… relating the magnificence of the ocean and the coral reef and the mantas to anything financial.

But I’m not going to Sho’t Left today. 

Instead, I’m going to glorify the moment exactly as it was. 

The enoughness of it all.

The wonder of being open to life being wild and wonderful and beyond your wildest dreams.

The abundance of nature and the interconnectedness of all the different forms and creatures needed to make it all work.

I love investing and getting my money working hard for me, and this was one of those experiences I invest for — a reward for all of the hard work, learning, delayed gratification and deliberate practice of conscious wealth habits. 

This was an experience I couldn't contrive, make happen, control and anticipate. But I had to be available for it. I had to be free to be in the wonder of life and in this case in the ocean to receive it.

Nic and I are able to fly to Mozambique and spend a glorious week in the sun, on divine beaches all on our own and experience some of the best diving in the world because we have mastered the recipes for wealth and consistently practice the habits of a Wealth Chef by spending less than we earn, directing our spend choices to the things that bring us joy and making our money work hard for us through our investing.

Watching Nic relax and laugh with the boat crew I felt myself break into a great big grin. That smile was entirely organic, a gesture of pure appreciation. 

Running on the beach giggling as I tried to get my 30 piece kite to fly - this is what wealthy is to me.


This is why I am good with money, this is why I invest, this is why it is so important to me to share what I’ve learned so others can feel this freedom and joy too.

 The Wealthy Bottom Line

Those reefs and the life on them go about the practice of living each and every day. 

They have done so for millions of years and I hope will go on for millions of more. Manta rays first appeared in fossil records approximately 4.8 million years ago. Being in the midst of this teaming world of colour and life, reminds me that my experience is but a grain in the infinite sands of time and paradoxically how precious it is and how important I make every moment count.

I can only hope their beauty and magnificence have brought similar joyful revelations to others who have had the privilege for a moment to be a part of their world.

More specifically, I hope you have had a “Bliss Attack” or two in your wealth creation journey — an incident that reminds you of why YOU MUST be great with your money and provide it with the leadership it needs so it can support you to live your greatest wealthiest life and make more of these “bliss Attack” moments possible. 

Head over to Instagram, tag me @thewealthchef and share what some of your “bliss attack” moments have been and what mastering your money stuff would enable you to do more of.

** “Sho’t Left” is derived from South African “taxi lingo”. A commuter wanting a ride to a destination close by will say “Sho’t left, driva” – meaning, I want to jump off just around the corner.


P.S. Join me on June 23 for a powerful 5 day live challenge through which you will get clear on exactly what you need to be having more “Bliss Attack” moments in your life.

Go HERE to sign up for the “Countdown To Freedom” challenge. 

It’s completely free and deeply powerful. I can’t wait to share it with you.