How To Become A Great Money Leader

Hey you awesome Money Leader,

Wealth is a choice.

Leadership is a choice too, according to Seth Godin. 

Apparently both these statements are seriously controversial which I just don’t get because realising that both wealth and leadership are choices and therefore something we can learn was a massive relief to me.

Now having lived financially free and wealthy (by my definition) for many, many years, what I know with absolute certainty, in relation to wealth and leadership, is this…

“To be wealthy you must first become a great leader; 

To become a great leader you must choose to lead;

When you choose to lead you must develop the traits you need so your leadership creates the wealthy life you want.”

There are Three Key Money Leadership Traits and in this video I share what these are and how to develop them in your life.

Watch the video now. 

Once you’ve watched the video remember to leave me a comment. 

I’d love to know…

  • What do you think about these Three Key Money Leadership Traits, which of these traits do you believe you are already strong in and which are you going to consciously develop more in your life?


Go out there and grab your life with both hands. 

Claim your rightful place as the leader of your life AND your money.

Celebrate the fact that wealth is a choice.

Accept the challenge - chose to lead and be wealthy. 

woooooooooo I am so excited for you…

Big love,


P.S - In the video I also talk about the difference between Money Management and Money Leadership. Go here to learn more about the difference between the two in another article.