Trying to Have More Money Could Be Preventing You From Becoming Wealthy

The Desire for More Money: Unraveling the Illusion

It’s one of the most basic questions ever: What do you and 99% of the population want most? 

Most people will say “more money.” 

Specifically, we want to be wealthy or rich. 

Who wouldn’t? 

If you’re wealthy, you really don’t have much to worry about, except maybe what to do with all that money, or maybe what to do with that “distant cousin” you never knew you had that suddenly wants to be your best friend. 

Still, that’s a problem most people will gladly accept. It’s what I like to call a “Quality Problem”. 

Go to the end to see an example of a quality problem.

The True Meaning of Wealth

More money means having the support you want, doing what you want, when you want, with whom you want to do it, and all without having to ask permission from anyone. No bosses, no deadlines, no performance appraisals, no sleepless nights worrying about paying bills. More money can mean being in charge of your own life.

The Misconception

Since this is so obvious why are we even talking about it? 

Because sometimes, the obvious is so obvious that we miss the point. 

When we talk about wanting to be wealthy, what are we really talking about? 

Having more money, or the things we believe more money will give us? 

There’s a pretty big difference between the two! 

Does having more money mean having more peace of mind, more freedom, more security, more fun, more juicy life experience or whatever else it is you believe it will bring you? 

Not necessarily.

The Pitfalls of the Money Chase

Being financially rich certainly can provide material convenience, but you and I know there are plenty of rich people out there who are completely miserable. 

There are also a lot of people who seemingly have a lot of money flowing through their life - but that's the problem it flows through and they stay poor.

Some people have loads of money but still spend a lot of time being worried about money - just as they did when they didn’t have it. 

Lots of people start getting more money coming in and find they just increase their expenses and still have to hussle and stress and churn and sweat to make it to the end of the month. 

One of the greatest lessons I learnt on my journey to financial freedom is that…


Redefining the Pursuit of Wealth

“Hold the horses, Ann!” – you might be thinking? 

If having more money isn’t the point of all this, then why are we even talking? 

Money isn’t the end but without it you cannot live the life you desire. 

The key points here are: 

  1. Get clear on the life you want to live and 
  2. Master your money stuff so you have the money you need to live that life…

… and then fiercely choose to do both at the same time. 

To do this, you need to know what you really want.

Shifting Focus: From Money to Fulfillment

What we’re really seeking is a feeling that we associate with being wealthy. 

A home can give us a sense of security, comfort, and belonging. 

A car can heighten a feeling of importance (if that’s what delights you) or provide us with a means to connect with friends and family or have adventures or enable us to make money. 

Travel can bring a sense of wonder and delight in life. 

Toys can bring excitement and stave off boredom - in the bedroom and outside LOL. 

A well-structured portfolio of assets that are consistently growing and can pay for the lifestyle we want - brings us the ultimate peace of mind and freedom. 

This is what we really want. 

The SECURITY of knowing we have a solid base of wealth-generating assets to provide for us no matter what life throws at us… AND 

The CLARITY of what brings us joy so we spend our precious resources on those things instead of squandering them. 

A Wealthy Life = Wealthy Life Experiences + Assets Paying For It

Embracing Wealth: No Waiting Required

The Liberating Truth

You don’t have to wait to have loads of money in order to have both of these and to experience the feelings of freedom and happiness. 

The goal isn’t to get wealthy in order to be free. 

Choose freedom now by… 

Being a wealthy spender. Know that every cent, Pound, Dollar, Euro, or Rand you spend is your choice and what you get for it in return will create either money heaven or hell. Spend some time being curious about what feelings you want to feel in your wealthy life and the things and activities that bring you those emotions. 


Being an Asset Expander. Ensure some of the money that flows into your life gets directed to investing and creating passive income streams. Let these assets generate income streams, gather momentum over a few years, reinvest these flows to create even more, and in doing so you create a perpetual stream that you can then live off for the rest of your days - living the life you really want with total peace of mind that you have and will continue to have all the money you need. 

This is the wealthy path to financial freedom. 

Focus on your destination and keep taking steps towards it whilst you live your wealthy life.

Embracing Abundance Today

Remember - you're not growing your net worth to finally live the life you want sometime in the future. You must live a wealthy life now with what is already in your life. 


A juicy, crazy, wonderful, wild life full of passion, appreciation, creativity, quality problems and purpose while mastering and growing your money.

There’s no freedom in waiting.



P.S. Talking about Quality life problems…


These are the steps down to my beautiful “mistress suite” at my home in the African bush. (Why is it called a master Suite when we all know us girls own that room!) But I digress.

That hole is thanks to an elephant that decided to take a short cut!
That’s the kind of problems I love and I hope you have lots more quality life problems. 

P.P.S. If you do not yet have your investing sorted out then head over and watch the free Savvy Investor masterclass to find out what you need to be doing to build up that base of assets that will ultimately set you free.