How To Save Yourself Thousands on Life Insurance

Awesome Wealth Chef in the making - I know you’re going to love this…

“Yeah right, Ann! Life Insurance? Really?”

You may even be feeling sorry for me and gearing up to send me some advice on getting out more if I honestly think Life Insurance is interesting.

So let me be clear - I think life insurance is duller than dishwater.

What I find seriously sexy is knowledge and I believe you do too.

Understanding what something is, what it’s purpose is meant to be (not what it’s been twisted into) and how to use it effectively in my life - in service of my wealthy life - liberates not only me but also frees up my money to be directed elsewhere.

 This is what this video is all about. 

In it I give you sexy knowledge to empower you on this dry but vital topic called life insurance so you can once and for all know with absolute certainty:

 What the purpose of life insurance is;

  • How to determine whether you need it or not;
  • What type of life insurance you should buy and what life insurance to avoid like the plague; and
  • How long you need it for.

And how much moola you will save by knowing this.

Watch the video HERE

 Now you know…

 “Life insurance is not a death lottery!” 

Life insurance isn’t a gift to those you love to make them feel good about you when you pop your clogs.

Life insurance is NOT a want - iT is a need and only in very specific circumstances.

Life insurance serves a very specific purpose on your financial freedom journey but sadly 99% of people who get sold life insurance do so from a place of ignorance and so get misdirected and mis-sold stuff they don’t need. 

Not because they are stupid but because it serves the insurance industry to keep us ignorant and fearful so they can sell us products we don’t need.

Having worked with thousands of people around the world, I know that finally understanding life insurance can be a massive light bulb moment AND for many Wealth Chef’s in the making this information also saves them thousands each and every month which can then be directed to filling up their asset pot instead of filling up the insurance companies coffers.

 In the video I mention you need to know your Financial Freedom Number.

to determine how much life insurance you need (if any). If you don’t yet have this seriously important number at your finger tips then do the Wealth Made Simple 5 day training to get this foundational wealth principle firmly in your life.  

With huge love,


P.S. Once you know if you need life insurance and how much - watch this powerful interview I did with a trusted insurance broker who reveals what you need to do to insure you get the best insurance for you at the best price! 

Seize this present moment to chart your course towards Financial Freedom.

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