Person free from handcuffs

Do You Know Your Financial Freedom Number?

There are big differences between Moscow and New York… and, surprisingly, some symbolic parallels.

Consider Moscow’s Red Square,  home to St Basil’s Cathedral, and New York’s Times Square.

Few places in the world bear the weight of history to the extent that Moscow’s Red Square does – and today it remains the heart and soul of Russia. From the 16th Century St. Basil’s Cathedral (one of the most famous pieces of architecture in the world) to the constructivist pyramid of Lenin’s Mausoleum, Red Square is rich in symbols of Russia’s turbulent and intriguing past.

Although it’s known to everyone as St. Basil’s, this legendary Cathedral is officially called “The Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin by the Moat”.  Completed in 1560, its construction was ordered by Ivan the Terrible to mark the 1552 capture of Kazan from Mongol forces. That’s pretty much all the genuine history that’s known about this celebrated landmark.

Colloquially known as “The Crossroads of the World” and “The Great White Way”, NYC’s Times Square is, by comparison, but a puppy, having been a popular New York attraction for just over a century. 

Yet like Moscow’s Red Square, it too represents the heart and soul of a nation, as the curved seven-story NASDAQ sign reports the fortunes and misfortunes of the US financial markets.

Formerly known as Longacre Square, Times Square acquired its name in 1904 when Albert Ochs, publisher of the New York Times, moved the newspaper’s operations to the newly built skyscraper “Times Building.” 

Today Times Square is home to modern day places of worship such as the Broadway Theatre district, the Naked Cowboy, ABC’s Times Square Studios, and Planet Hollywood. More than a third of a million people pass through iconic Times Square NYC every day!

❝ Fascinating, Ann, but what does
this have to do with my financial freedom? ❞

The symbolic parallels notwithstanding, these two squares are obviously very different in character and are situated in very different parts of the world. If you’re about to set off to visit one of them, you had better know which one you're headed to so you can plan your trip appropriately.

Creating your financial freedom is just the same. You have to know your destination if you hope to ever reach it.

Knowing your destination starts with understanding what “WEALTHY” means to you – and then knowing how to translate that into real “MONEY” requirements so you can make a plan to get yourself there.

And being financially free means having assets that pay for those real money requirements of life, not you working to pay for them.

The value of the assets you need is called your Financial Freedom Number. 

This video is all about how to calculate your own Unique Financial Freedom Number.




To be clear…

You are Financially Free when you have a big enough
pot of assets that earn you the income you need
to live the lifestyle you want without having to work.

➤ If you work, you work by choice not by necessity. SCHWEEEET!

In language we use as Wealth Chefs, this is when your net worth – which is the sum of your assets minus your liabilities – is big enough to give you income that exceeds your expenses. 

It is as simple as that.

To calculate your unique Financial Freedom Number you need to know…

  • The amount of money you need every month to pay for your chosen lifestyle (your “Monthly Money Need”), and
  • The amount of money you need every year to pay for your chosen lifestyle (12 x Monthly Money Need, which is your “Annual Money Need”)

Then you…

  • Divide your Annual Money Need by 0.08 

Annual Money Need / 0.08 equals your unique Financial Freedom Number (FF#).

This is the value of the investments you need (ie, your wealth generating assets) to be financially free.  


Knowing your FF# makes you a member of a very small exclusive club that actually knows what they are aiming for financially – whether they’re going to Times Square or Red Square!


➤ Your unique Financial Freedom Number may be a bit shocking. 

If you are suddenly feeling a bit weak at the size of the number… breathe deeply. 

It is easier to achieve than you think.

There are also intermediate steps you need to define and achieve on your path to freedom – I go into this in depth in the Map Your Financial Freedom Path Masterclass


By the end of the Masterclass you will: 

  • Know your exact freedom destination and how you’ll get there.
  • Know how to calculate your unique Financial Freedom Number – the value of your net worth you need in order to live the lifestyle you want and never have to work again.
  • Understand what 8% and 4% drawdown means – and why these numbers are so important for your freedom.
  • Know the intermediate milestones you need to get to on your path to freedom – and why these are so important.
  • Have absolute clarity on where you are now, and what your next steps need to be on your journey to freedom.

Go here to get the masterclass now.

Now is also a great opportunity for you to notice some of your stuff around money.  

  • What thoughts popped into your head when you calculated your freedom number? 
  • Was there a feeling in your body? 
  • Notice those things, as they are a great indicator to you about some of your money beliefs.

Thanks as always for reading, watching and sharing so generously – and for choosing to master your money stuff so you can live your fullest wealthiest life.

With huge love


P.S. Remember to Map Your Unique Path To Freedom with the Freedom Path Masterclass.