Person holding scarf

The Freedom Paradox


Frameworks Create Freedom


Freedom Needs Frameworks 

The #1 reason people give me for wanting to become financially savvy and learn how to invest successfully is to create more freedom in their lives.

Unpacking this high level term “freedom” I’ve discovered there are just 4 primary types of freedom... 

  • TIME FREEDOM: Freedom to spend your time however you want
  • LOCATION FREEDOM: Freedom to be wherever you want
  • ASSOCIATION FREEDOM: Freedom to be with whoever you want
  • PURPOSE FREEDOM: Freedom to use your life force in the way that brings you the most meaning and joy

All of this talk of freedom – doing what we want, when we want, with whomever we want, and how we want – feels liberating, and boundless.

Off a new freedom journeyer sets, armed with a copy of The Wealth Chef Book book to show them how to get all this freedom, and very soon…

...I hear a big BUT – not the juicy asset type BUTT –
but the BUT of...

“BUT Ann, all of this money management stuff I have to do feels anything but free.

“BUT Ann, why must I track what I’m spending my money on, that just feels restrictive?

“BUT Ann, I've got my Wealth Pie and I'm dividing my money up into different areas, and now I've discovered I also need to have a Money Date to get intimate with my money so I  know what's coming in and what's going out. 

“BUT Ann, I'm being a conscious wealthy spender and tracking my spending and seeing where it's going.



“I'm updating my balance sheet to see what's happening with my liabilities and my assets and tracking how my net worth is growing. 

“Ann, all these things I have to do to manage my money and create real wealth feel like limitations and restrictions, the opposite of freedom – the opposite of what I'm trying to get to." 

Welcome to the paradox of freedom. 

Understanding this paradox will truly set you free – and it’s what this video is all about.  Watch it now



So what is the freedom paradox?

First and foremost, I want you to know that if you’re feeling all this – great! that’s absolutely fine. It’s good news. 

Whenever you start something new it’s going to feel difficult. It's going to feel clunky. 

Your entire relationship with money, with what you've been doing with it up to now, has become an automatic, unconscious behaviour.

Very little conscious energy is needed
to do the old money behaviours. 

Now you're learning a new way of being with money. When we learn something new the very first thing that happens is we become conscious of our incompetence. 

It feels difficult. You've got to give more of your energy and your focus to learn a new set of behaviours and patterns. When you notice that, celebrate it! Because it's showing you that new things are happening. You're creating a different way of being with your money. 

The more you do it, the easier it gets.

But there's a myth we need to talk about. 

Many people believe freedom means “free to do anything”. 

We think freedom means no boundaries, no limitations, no edges.  

That isn’t freedom, it’s NO-THING.

Imagine there's this amazing river. It brings life and vitality to the places it flows with the energy of its flowing water. 

Rivers and their life-giving water are amazing. They can cut through rocks and land and shape our entire world.

Rivers and their life-giving water are amazing. They can cut through rocks and land and shape our entire world.


A river is only a river because it has river banks. 

It wouldn't be a river if it didn't have boundaries created by river banks. It wouldn't be able to flow and create life – and have expression and movement – if it didn't have those restrictions. 



If a river didn’t have boundaries it would be a puddle. A puddle going nowhere. 

This is the real paradox of freedom. 

If we truly want real freedom, we need to create conscious boundaries that direct our life force, our time and our energy.

If we truly want freedom, we need to create boundaries that direct our life force, our time and our energy towards the life we want.

This is why we Wealthy Spenders take pride in directing where our money flows. 

Wealth Pie is a framework. It's putting banks on the flow of money through your life. 

Frameworks create freedom. 

  • Frameworks around our time. 
  • Frameworks around our spending.
  • Frameworks around our investing.
  • Frameworks around our energy.

Does your time, energy and money flow to whoever or whatever is shouting the loudest? 

Notice where your energy, money or time is leaking – this is a great indication that you’ve got a weak river bank that needs reinforcing.

I'd love to know where in your life you need to bolster the river banks.

  • Is it with your kids? 
  • Is it around your time?
  • Is it around your energy? 
  • Is it around your money? 

Let me know – join the conversation on our Facebook Community Page (it’s free to join) and see what others are saying.

If you are great with boundaries, share with us which areas of your life have awesome river banks and how you keep them strong.

So until next time, keep living that amazing, juicy life!





Seize this present moment to chart your course towards Financial Freedom.

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