Four Wealthy Life Lessons from The Hitchhiker's Guide

One of my favourite wealthy life books of all time is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (THGTTG). 

If you haven't read it yet, do that, you're going to love it. 

There are some really juicy wealth lessons in there and so I thought I’d share some of my favourite ones from this deeply wise life book with you. 

That’s what this video is all about. Watch it now.

One of my favorite sections goes like this…

“This planet has, or rather, had a problem, which was this…
...most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much all of the time."

"Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper, which was rather odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy. 

Many people were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had made a bad move and that no one should ever have left the oceans. 

There's a point in that. And in many of the more relaxed civilizations of the outer eastern rim of the galaxy, The Hitchhiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Galactica as a standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important aspects. 

First, it's slightly cheaper. Really important. 

Secondly, it has the words 'Don't Panic' inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover.” 

What is so cool about the wealth wisdom from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?

THGTTG vital life lesson #1: 

Don't be fooled by the illusion that money is going to make you happy. Certainly not passing those little green pieces of paper around. 

This isn't some sort of spiritual, esoteric concept like, “life's got more meaning”, “money won't make you happy”, “money's the root of all evil”.

Not that at all. 

It’s up to YOU to work out how to connect with life in a way that brings you the most joy. 

It’s up to you to choose the meaning you give to the things going on around you.

It’s up to you to be fully present with all of life. 

The truth is you're not going to be happy all the time. That's not the goal of a life well lived. Believing the name of the life-game is to be happy is a devastating goal, and a goal that will take you further and further from your wealthy life. 

The point of life is for you to be present with it and to be able to be fully with whatever it brings to you. 

The point is for you to discover you are already OK and be safe enough to feel, to stay, and not need to disconnect and numb out with shopping or TV or alcohol or food or sex or worry or work or whatever it is that you go to to feel safe. 

Money can and does play a big role in helping you feel safe. If you are stressed out about paying your bills, worried about debt or your financial wellbeing now or in the future, it really is much harder to feel safe in yourself and in life. That’s why you need things like emergency funds, and a structured money management system like Wealth Pie to provide the framework for safety.

THGTTG vital life lesson #2: 

Stop trying to control the world. 

Many people try to have absolute certainty about life and try to control EVERYTHING to feel safe. 

They believe that if they just know:

🙀exactly how much money they've got. 

🙀exactly how their investments are and will perform now and forever. 

🙀exactly what the will have with a strategy they are looking at.

🙀their exact freedom number and every step they will take to get their.

🙀exactly what the market will and won’t do...

… then they'll feel safe and then they'll be able to do what they want. 

I got caught into this when / then trap

When I had enough, then I'd do the things I wanted to do. 

When I’d worked hard enough / then I could do something fun.

I spent way too long believing there was some place in life I needed to get to. A ‘there” where I wouldn't feel afraid. A point where I wouldn't feel uncertain. A place I’d finally feel in control and hence safe.

Yet again, this phantom place called “there” is an insidious lie. 

The truth is the world is a chaotic place. 

None of us have any control of what's going to happen. We don't even have control of what's going to happen today or even in the next hour. 

I might have some plans, but who knows what might be coming along. 

The role of your wealthy life strategies are to manage uncertainty, not to get rid of uncertainty. 

It's HOW you manage risk (uncertainty) - knowing that there are going to be ups and downs in the markets, that there are going to be unexpected expenses coming in, that life is going to throw you surprises - that determines the quality of your wealthy, juicy life. 

It's about resilience and knowing that the only certainty you have is your ability to be with life and respond to it in an empowered way. 

The point of having cash safety nets, emergency funds, and insurances are to give you shock absorbers for life's to-be-expected unexpected events. 

THGTTG vital life lesson #3: 

Know where your money is going, be discerning and focus on value not price. 

This is not about being a cheapskate or depriving yourself. It’s about challenging the endless bombardment of information telling us what we need to have to be worthy and the beliefs you may have taken on about what wealthy is. 

Are you assuming that if something's more expensive it must be better? In many cases it's not. 

Are you ensuring that you get value from all the money that flows out of your life? 

Get rid of the wasted spend you don't get value from. 

Celebrate being great at money management. 

THGTTG vital life lesson #4: 

Don't Panic. 

Put together a framework to ensure your financial wellbeing. 

  • Understand what money really is;
  • Understand what's happening with you money, 
  • Get rid of consumer debt which makes you VERY vulnerable, 
  • Get investing and have multiple assets working for you and multiple streams of income flowing into your life.
  • Get insurances and your wealth documents in place to protect you and those you love
  • Put your wealth plan on autopilot, 

… because then you can relax knowing that you are safe and empowered around this money stuff. 

Panicking doesn't help anyone. Worrying doesn't help anyone. 

That's why it's so important we get a structured wealth plan in place, so we can let go of that anxiety, that worry, that uncertainty of what's going to happen tomorrow and instead be present with today. 

Panicking certainly didn't help anyone in the Galaxy and it doesn't help anyone on this little gorgeous planet that we get to spin around on. 

So don't panic. 

Don't watch the news, don't get caught up in the hype of the markets going up and down. 

Stick with your plan, make sure you're managing you, focus on what brings you joy, and get out there and live your great juicy life. 

In the comments below I’d love to know…

  • Which of those four wealthy life lessons is one you can bring into your life right now and why?
  • What difference would it make in your life if you took these key lessons on board. 

Remember, your wealthy life is created step by step. Understand what your next step is and do it.

Getting on and live your rich, juicy life, because life is really short and you've only got one. 

Don't panic - get out there and live it.