Get Intimate To Get Rich

There’s no avoiding it.

If you want freedom. If you want money serving you, supporting you and doing all the hard work then you’ve got to get up close and VERY personal with your money so you can have more, keep more, grow more and have it flowing juicily in your life.

You’ve got to reverse the modern life dysfunction caused by disconnection. 

  • Disconnection from real relationships.
  • Disconnection from nature and the earth that is the very place we live on.
  • Disconnection from our food and how it is grown and produced.
  • Disconnection from our bodies and what heathy feels like.


  • Disconnection from our money!

The more disconnected you are from money the less you value it and the less you value it the less value you will get from it. The less value you get from it the more depleted you will be.

It’s time for the latex gloves to come off and for you to get to know money intimately which is exactly what this video is all about.

Click here to watch the video.

BE WARNED – getting money intimate will ripple out into the other areas of your life too.

This video explores the impact of disconnection with money and how you claim back your power in this juicy area of your life with cool “money intimacy” tips. 

You’ll also get intimate with:

  • The 4 different types of inflows, including FREE MONEY, and I explain why neutralising these different inflow types it is so important.
  • The 5 different types of outflows and how we value each of these differently which impacts the way we send it – often with disastrous results.

I'd love to connect, email me on [email protected],I would love to know:

  • What AHA’s did you get by getting this intimate with the money inflows and outflows
  • Which type of inflow or outflow has been causing a problem in your world and now with this knowledge you are going to rectify that dysfunction?

Remember to share much as possible because thousands of Wealth Chef’s in the making come here each week for juicy wealth snacks, insight and inspiration as they create their juicy financially free lives too. Your ideas and shares may trigger someone to have a big breakthrough.

Thanks as always for reading, watching and sharing so generously and for choosing to master this key ingredient money and live your un-limited life. 

Let me know how your new intimacy is impacting the other juicy areas of your life too.